Prices in Republic of the Congo

What are the supermarket prices in Republic of the Congo? Is the cost of living in Republic of the Congo higher than in United States? How much will it cost us to entertain in Republic of the Congo and how much will we spend in restaurants and bars?
On this page below you will find the current price and cost overview in Republic of the Congo: food prices, Prices in restaurants, cost of living, and entertainment costs (The last update: today 18 hours ago)

Currency in Republic of the Congo Central African CFA franc (XAF FCFA). For 10 US dollars you can get 6.12 thousand Central African CFA francs. For 100 US dollars you can get 61.2 thousand Central African CFA francs. And the other way around: For 100 Central African CFA francs you can get 0.163 US dollars.

What are the different prices in the cities in Republic of the Congo? Look here: Prices in cities in Republic of the Congo


Total prices do not differ significantly in Republic of the Congo from what is in United States. Food is 21% cheaper. Dining in restaurants and bars will be cheaper by 33%. And the cost of living is higher in Republic of the Congo around 48%. If we want to spend time actively or to have fun, we will pay less than in United States about 22%.

Are hotels expensive in Republic of the Congo? How much will we pay for a room in Republic of the Congo?

The average price of accommodation in Republic of the Congo is $125 (FCFA 76.3K). The cost of a room in a 2-star hotel is Republic of the Congo in $63 (FCFA 38.5K). 3-star hotels offer accommodation for an average price of $82 (FCFA 50.3K) Overnight stay in a 4-star hotel costs $133 (FCFA 81.3K) in Republic of the Congo If you are looking for the best conditions for your stay, then in 5-star hotels that will provide much more luxury you will have to pay $267 (FCFA 164K)

And if the trip plans are simply for a given region of the world, then maybe it will come out cheaper than in Republic of the Congo in nearby countries? See prices in: Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, São Tomé and Príncipe, Central African Republic, and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Comparison of selected prices in Republic of the Congo with prices in United States:


$811 ($804 - $817)
290% more than in United States


15% more than in United States


$77 ($35 - $114)
by half more than in United States

average earnings

78% is less expensive than in United States

renting a small apartment in the center

$548 ($409 - $2.01K)
69% is less expensive than in United States

renting a large apartment outside the center

$489 ($402 - $2.01K)
80% is less expensive than in United States


8.3% is less expensive than in United States


36% is less expensive than in United States


by half less than in United States


by half less than in United States


twice as much as in United States


9% more than in United States

cheap restaurant

$13.4 ($8.8 - $25)
33% is less expensive than in United States

local beer

$3.7 ($2.5 - $8.8)
39% is less expensive than in United States


$4 ($1.6 - $5)
22% is less expensive than in United States

bottle of water

$1.5 ($1.1 - $2.2)
26% is less expensive than in United States

Burger King or a similar bar

$7.2 ($5.8 - $8.6)
33% is less expensive than in United States

Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Mirinda

$2.2 ($1.3 - $3.2)
9.9% is less expensive than in United States

Prices in cities and towns in Republic of the Congo

Choose a city, see prices in supermarkets, restaurants, compare the cost of living, see how much entertainment costs and whether it is more expensive than in United States