Currency in Central African Republic Central African CFA franc (XAF FCFA). For 10 US dollars you can get 5.92 thousand Central African CFA francs. For 100 US dollars you can get 59.2 thousand Central African CFA francs. And the other way around: For 100 Central African CFA francs you can get 0.169 US dollars.
Prices: Bangui Nola Bambari Bimbo Alindao
Are hotels expensive in Central African Republic? How much will we pay for a room in Central African Republic?
The average price of accommodation in Central African Republic is $269 (FCFA 159K). 3-star hotels offer accommodation for an average price of $117 (FCFA 69.1K) Overnight stay in a 4-star hotel costs $156 (FCFA 92.1K) in Central African Republic
If you're planning a trip to a specific region of the world, might it be cheaper than in Central African Republic? Check out prices in nearby countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad, South Sudan, Cameroon, and Republic of the Congo.
19% more than in United States
average earnings
81% is less expensive than in United States
renting a small apartment in the center
$2.06K ($1.18K - $3.64K)
16% more than in United States
$3 ($1.7 - $4.2)
17% is less expensive than in United States
$6.3 ($4.2 - $8.5)
by half less than in United States
$3.4 ($2.5 - $4.2)
26% is less expensive than in United States
3.5% more than in United States
Very much like in United States
$9.7 ($5.9 - $13.5)
35% is less expensive than in United States
cheap restaurant
$8.5 ($5.1 - $11.8)
by half less than in United States
local beer
$3 ($2.5 - $3.4)
by half less than in United States
$2.5 ($1.7 - $3.4)
by half less than in United States
bottle of water
$1.7 ($1.7 - $1.7)
18% is less expensive than in United States
Burger King or a similar bar
18% more than in United States
Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Mirinda
$2.1 ($1.7 - $2.5)
15% is less expensive than in United States