Prices in Rize

How much will you spend in restaurants and bars? Is eating out expensive in Rize? Below you will see our breakdowns and comparisons of prices and expenses in Rize.

Rize price changes
Rize Food Prices & Prices In Restaurants

What are the supermarket prices in Rize? Are the costs of living in Rize higher than in United States? Rize - How much will it cost us for entertainment, and what are the bills to be paid in pubs and restaurants?
Read below about current costs and prices in Rize: food prices, Prices in restaurants, cost of living, and entertainment costs (The last update: today 19 hours ago)

Currency in Turkey Turkish lira (TRY). For 10 US dollars you can get 327 Turkish Lira. For 100 US dollars you can get 3.27 thousand Turkish Lira. And the other way around: For 100 Turkish Lira you can get 3.05 US dollars.

Are hotels expensive in Rize? How much will we pay for a room in Rize?

The average price of accommodation in Turkey is $48 (TRY 1.57K). The cost of a room in a 2-star hotel is Turkey in $37 (TRY 1.21K). If you are looking for the best conditions for your stay, then in 5-star hotels that will provide much more luxury you will have to pay $85 (TRY 2.79K)

Is it expensive in stores in Rize? Will I pay a lot for groceries in Rize? Below you will find the current price list of food products in Rize, such as: Cigarettes (The last update: today)

Can you eat cheaply in restaurants in Rize? What are the prices in affordable pubs in Rize? How much will I have to spend a day when I only eat in fast food restaurants in Rize?

Below you will find a full list of prices in Rize, including Cigarettes

If you're planning a trip to a specific region of the world, might it be cheaper than in Rize? Check out prices in nearby countries: Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Armenia.


Current prices overview: food prices Rize

Rize - comparison of selected prices with prices in United States:

Food Prices Rize

  1. Pack of Cigarettes (Marlboro) $1.6 (TRY 52)

What are the different prices in the cities in Turkey? Look here: Prices in cities in Turkey

Prices: Adana   Ankara   Antalya   Bursa   Istanbul   İzmir   Mersin   Samsun   Eskişehir   Kayseri  

Cost of Living in Turkey: Prices for Travel, Eating Out, Groceries, and More. Discover the cost of living in Turkey with our comprehensive guide. We'll cover prices for travel, eating out, groceries, and more. Plus, get answers to the most common questions about prices and costs of living.

Do you want to learn more about different prices? See the following comparison: