Prices in shops and supermarkets in Slovenia October 2024

What can you buy in supermarkets in Slovenia? What are the prices of food products, household appliances, laundry and dishwashing products. What drugs are available and how much they cost in supermarkets. What are the available body and hair care products? How much do frozen food cost and is it possible to buy products from international cuisine. And for how much you can buy shoes in the supermarket.

On this page you can read the list of prices and products available in shops and supermarkets in Slovenia. Products available in stores have been grouped into categories.

Prices and availability of products in shops and supermarkets in Slovenia: Ljubljana  

See also: food prices   Prices in restaurants   cost of living   entertainment costs   Prices at McDonald's  

Below you will find the categories of products that can be purchased in shops and supermarkets in Slovenia.

Best selling products

  1. Chicken breast fillet Shower IK, 500g: $5.4 (€4.9) (Piščančja prsa file Tuš IK, 500g)
  2. Raw Butter Shower 250 g: $2.7 (€2.4) (Surovo Maslo Tuš 250 g)
  3. Barcaffe 200g coffee: $3.1 (€2.8) (Kava Barcaffe 200 g)
  4. Eggs L Shower Barn Breeding 10 eggs: $2.8 (€2.5) (Jajca L Tuš Hlevska Reja 10 jajc)

prices Best selling products (30) >>

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  1. Unsued Mineral Water Jan 1.5 L: $0.6 (€0.54) (Negazirana Mineralna Voda Jana 1,5 L)
  2. Fruit Drink with A Taste of Forest Berries and Aloe Vere Dana 0,5 L: $0.63 (€0.57) (Sadna Pijača z Okusom Gozdne Jagode in Aloe Vere Dana 0,5 L)
  3. Fruit Drink with Taste of Red Grapes Of The Oz 0.5 L: $0.67 (€0.6) (Sadna Pijača z Okusom Rdečega Grozdja Oaza 0,5 L)
  4. Fruit Drink with Taste of Red Grapes Of The Oz 1.5 L: $0.89 (€0.8) (Sadna Pijača z Okusom Rdečega Grozdja Oaza 1,5 L)

prices Water (33) >>

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Juices, nectars and beverages

  1. Juice Dana 100% Orange 1 L: $1.9 (€1.7) (Sok Dana 100% Pomaranča 1 L)
  2. Juice Dana 100% Apple 1 L: $1.6 (€1.5) (Sok Dana 100% Jabolko 1 L)
  3. Juice Dana 100% Pineapple 1 L: $2.4 (€2.2) (Sok Dana 100% Ananas 1 L)
  4. Juice Dana 100% Red Fruit 1 L: $2.1 (€1.9) (Sok Dana 100% Rdeče Sadje 1 L)

prices Juices, nectars and beverages (28) >>

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Carbonated beverages

  1. Carbonated Pepsi Drink 1.5 L: $1.3 (€1.2) (Gazirana Pijača Pepsi 1,5 L)
  2. Carbonated Pepsi Drink 0.5 L: $0.83 (€0.75) (Gazirana Pijača Pepsi 0,5 L)
  3. Carbonated Pepsi Drink 0.33 L: $0.67 (€0.6) (Gazirana Pijača Pepsi 0,33 L)
  4. Carbonated Pepsi Drink Sugar-Free 0.5 L: $0.81 (€0.73) (Gazirana Pijača Pepsi Brez Sladkorja 0,5 L)

prices Carbonated beverages (48) >>

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  1. Fruit Syrup Pingo 1 L: $3 (€2.7) (Sadni Sirup Pingo 1 L)

prices Syrups (1) >>

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Isotonics and energy drinks

  1. Energy Drink Red Bull Zero 0.25 L: $1.5 (€1.4) (Energijska Pijača Red Bull Zero 0,25 L)
  2. Energy Drink Red Bull 0.25 L: $1.5 (€1.4) (Energijska Pijača Red Bull 0,25 L)
  3. Energy Drink Red Bull Sugarfree Sugar No Sugar 0.25 L: $1.5 (€1.4) (Energijska Pijača Red Bull Sugarfree Brez Sladkorja 0,25 L)

prices Isotonics and energy drinks (3) >>

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Instant drinks

  1. Cedevita Orange 200 g: $1.5 (€1.4) (Cedevita Pomaranča 200 g)
  2. Cedevita Limeta 200 g: $1.8 (€1.6)
  3. Cedevita Elder and Lemon 200 g: $1.8 (€1.6) (Cedevita Bezeg in Limona 200 g)

prices Instant drinks (3) >>

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  1. Milk from domestic meadows, 3.5%mm, 1l: $1.3 (€1.2) (Mleko z domačih travnikov, 3,5%mm, 1l)
  2. Milk Everyday 3.5% m.m. 1 L: $0.88 (€0.79) (Mleko Vsakdan 3.5 % m.m. 1 L)
  3. Milk Lactose-free Shower 3.5% m.m. 1 L: $1.3 (€1.2) (Mleko Brez Laktoze Tuš 3.5 % m.m. 1 L)
  4. Milk Shower Chocolate, 200ml: $0.48 (€0.43) (Mleko Tuš čokoladno, 200ml)

prices Milk (25) >>

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  1. Bio Eggs Slovenian Goody 6 Eggs: $3.3 (€3) (Bio Jajca Slovenske Dobrote 6 jajc)

prices Eggs (1) >>

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  1. Liquid LCA Green Valley yogurt 1.3% m.m. 500 g: $1.4 (€1.3) (Tekoči Jogurt LCA Zelene Doline 1.3 % m.m. 500 g)
  2. Liquid Fruit Yogurt Forest Fruits 1.1% m.m. 500 g: $1.1 (€0.98) (Tekoči Sadni Jogurt Gozdni Sadeži 1.1 % m.m. 500 g)
  3. Liquid Fruit Yoghurt Without Lactose Strawberry 500 g: $2 (€1.8) (Tekoči Sadni Jogurt Brez Laktoze Jagoda 500 g)
  4. Greek Type Yogurt Dukat 150 g: $1 (€0.92) (Grški Tip Jogurta Dukat 150 g)

prices Yoghurts (4) >>

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  1. Cheese Ementalec Shower in Slices 150 g: $2.2 (€2) (Sir Ementalec Tuš v Rezinah 150 g)
  2. Cheese Edamec Shower in Slices 150g: $2.2 (€2) (Sir Edamec Tuš v Rezinah 150 g)
  3. Sir Gauda Shower in Slices 150 g: $2.2 (€2) (Sir Gauda Tuš v Rezinah 150 g)
  4. Cheese Cheddar Shower in Slices 150 g: $2.2 (€2) (Sir Cheddar Tuš v Rezinah 150 g)

prices Cheeses (8) >>

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Margarine and lard

  1. Coconut oil Shower, edible refined, 200g: $2.1 (€1.9) (Kokosovo olje Tuš, jedilno rafinirano, 200g)

prices Margarine and lard (1) >>

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  1. Green Valley Butter 250g: $3.4 (€3.1) (Maslo Zelene Doline 250 g)

prices Butter (1) >>

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  1. Spread ABC Fresh Cream Cheese Classic 100g: $1.3 (€1.2) (Namaz ABC Sveži Kremni Sir Classic 100g)

prices Spreads (1) >>

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  1. Belted Cottage MU 250 g: $2.1 (€1.9) (Pasirana Skuta MU 250 g)

prices Curd (1) >>

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  1. Alpine Cream for Cooking MU 3.2% m.m. 180 g: $1.4 (€1.3) (Alpska Smetana za Kuhanje MU 3,2% m.m. 180 g)
  2. Cream Cooking shower, 200g: $0.99 (€0.89) (Smetana Tuš za kuhanje, 200g)
  3. Souso Cream Shower 180 g: $0.59 (€0.53) (Kisla Smetana Tuš 180 g)
  4. Sousi Cream MU Cuisine 180 g: $1.1 (€0.99) (Kisla Smetana MU Cuisine 180 g)

prices Cream (4) >>

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  1. White Homemade Bread 1 kg: $2.7 (€2.4) (Beli Domači Kruh 1 kg)
  2. Mixed Homemade Bread Bread 1.3 kg: $3.2 (€2.9) (Mešani Domači Kruh Kruh 1,3 kg)
  3. White Homemade Bread 1.1 kg: $3.7 (€3.3) (Beli Domači Kruh 1,1 kg)
  4. Styrian bread, 1.4kg: $3.6 (€3.2) (Kruh Štajerski, 1,4kg)

prices Bread (59) >>

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Bakery cakes

  1. Navihanček Choko Lešnik 80 g: $1.5 (€1.4) (Navihanček Čoko Lešnik 80 g)
  2. Vanilla 80g: $1.7 (€1.6) (Navihanček Vanilija 80 g)
  3. French Croissant with Chocolate 70 g: $1.5 (€1.4) (Francoski Rogljiček s Čokolado 70 g)
  4. French Croissant with Apricot Stuffing Pečjak 70 g: $0.75 (€0.67) (Francoski Rogljič z Mareličnim Nadevom Pečjak 70 g)

prices Bakery cakes (44) >>

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  1. Buttery Toast Ölz 500 g: $2.2 (€2) (Masleni Toast Ölz 500 g)

prices Toast (1) >>

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  1. Lokavski Zašinek Narezek Shower 100 g: $3.3 (€3) (Lokavski Zašinek Narezek Tuš 100 g)
  2. Sliced Pivka, turkey breast ATM, 100g: $1.5 (€1.4) (Narezek Pivka, puranje prsi ATM, 100g)
  3. Sliced chicken breast, curry, 100g: $1.8 (€1.7) (Narezek piščanjčje prsi, curry, 100g)
  4. Sliced chicken breast, pepper, 100g: $1.8 (€1.7) (Narezek piščančje prsi, poper, 100g)

prices Delicatessen (17) >>

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  1. Chicken Bedra Perutnina Ptuj IK 440 g Packed: $4.2 (€3.8) (Piščančja Bedra Perutnine Ptuj IK 440 g Pakirano)
  2. Chicken File Poultry Ptuj IK 500 g Packed: $7.4 (€6.7) (Piščančji File Perutnine Ptuj IK 500 g Pakirano)
  3. Young Beef Steaks IK 500 g Packed: $10.8 (€9.7) (Mladi Goveji Zrezki IK 500 g Pakirano)
  4. Pork Chops Shower, 480g: $5.4 (€4.9) (Svinjski zrezki Tuš, 480g)

prices Meat (4) >>

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Oil, acid, salt and sugar

  1. White Crystal Sugar Shower 1 kg: $0.77 (€0.69) (Beli Kristalni Sladkor Tuš 1 kg)
  2. Brown Sugar Mauritius 500 g: $1.9 (€1.8) (Rjavi Sladkor Mauritius 500 g)
  3. Brown Sugar Wiener 500 g: $2.3 (€2.1) (Rjavi Sladkor Wiener 500 g)
  4. Brown Sugar Biling 1 kg: $5.1 (€4.6) (Rjavi Sladkor Biling 1 kg)

prices Oil, acid, salt and sugar (18) >>

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Flour and milling products

  1. Smooth Ta Better Flour Type 400 1 kg: $1.1 (€0.98) (Gladka Ta Boljša Moka Tip 400 1 kg)
  2. Sharp Flour Mlinotest 1 kg: $1.7 (€1.5) (Ostra Moka Mlinotest 1 kg)
  3. White Smooth Flour Shower 1 kg: $1 (€0.93) (Bela Gladka Moka Tuš 1 kg)
  4. Sharp White Flour Shower 1 kg: $1 (€0.93) (Ostra Bela Moka Tuš 1 kg)

prices Flour and milling products (8) >>

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Spices and additives

  1. Ground Black Pepper Shower 50 g: $1.9 (€1.7) (Mleti Črni Poper Tuš 50 g)
  2. Ground Garlic Maestro 50 g: $3 (€2.7) (Mleti Česen Maestro 50 g)
  3. Pepper Maestro, black, minced, 45g: $2.8 (€2.5) (Poper Maestro, črni, mleti, 45g)

prices Spices and additives (3) >>

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  1. Pasta Shower Pens 400 g: $1.2 (€1.1) (Testenine Tuš Peresniki 400 g)
  2. Pasta Shower Snails No.26 400 g: $1.2 (€1.1) (Testenine Tuš Polžki št.26 400 g)
  3. Pasta Barilla Mini Pens 500 g: $1.6 (€1.4) (Testenine Barilla Mini Peresniki 500 g)
  4. Pasta Barilla Mini Snails 500 g: $1.4 (€1.3) (Testenine Barilla Mini Polžki 500 g)

prices Pasta (6) >>

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  1. Medium Grain White Rice Shower 1 kg: $2.1 (€1.9) (Srednjezrnat Beli Riž Tuš 1 kg)
  2. Medium grain Rice Splendor 950 g: $2.4 (€2.2) (Srednjezrnati Riž Splendor 950 g)

prices Rice (2) >>

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Sauces and toppings

  1. Gravy with Natureta vegetables 280 g: $1.7 (€1.6) (Omaka z Zelenjavo Natureta 280 g)
  2. Gravy with Basilica of Natureta 280 g: $1.6 (€1.4) (Omaka z Baziliko Natureta 280 g)
  3. Gravy Shower Pesto, 190g: $1.8 (€1.7) (Omaka Tuš Pesto, 190g)
  4. Gravy with Luš Tomato Natureta 290 g: $2.3 (€2.1) (Omaka z Lušt Paradižnikom Natureta 290 g)

prices Sauces and toppings (7) >>

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Attachments to dishes

  1. Spicy Ketchup Felix 450 g: $2.9 (€2.6) (Pekoči Ketchup Felix 450 g)
  2. Kamniška Mustard Natureta 180 g: $1.6 (€1.5) (Kamniška Gorčica Natureta 180 g)
  3. Delicate Mustard Thomy 200 g: $1.8 (€1.7) (Delikatesna Gorčica Thomy 200 g)

prices Attachments to dishes (3) >>

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Soups and soup extracts

  1. Porova Soup Knorr 77 g: $1.4 (€1.3) (Porova Juha Knorr 77 g)
  2. Knorr tomato soup 74 g: $1.4 (€1.3) (Paradižnikova Juha Knorr 74 g)
  3. Mushroom Soup with Porcini Knorr 67 g: $1.3 (€1.2) (Gobova Juha z Jurčki Knorr 67 g)
  4. Asparagus Soup Knorr 55 g: $1.4 (€1.3) (Špargljeva Juha Knorr 55 g)

prices Soups and soup extracts (7) >>

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Sweet spreads

  1. Cream Spread Viki Duo 380 g: $2.3 (€2.1) (Kremni Namaz Viki Duo 380 g)
  2. Cream Spread Linolada 750 g: $4.8 (€4.3) (Kremni Namaz Linolada 750 g)
  3. Homemade Apricot Marmalade Natureta 650 g: $4.7 (€4.2) (Domača Marelična Marmelada Natureta 650 g)
  4. Homemade Strawberry Jam 600 g: $4.6 (€4.1) (Domača Jagodna Marmelada 600 g)

prices Sweet spreads (6) >>

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Coffees, teas and cocoa

  1. Minced Coffee Barcaffe 100g: $1.5 (€1.4) (Mleta Kava Barcaffe 100 g)
  2. Blend For Cocoa Smoothies Nesquik 400 g: $3.6 (€3.2) (Mešanica Za Pripravo Kakavovega Napitka Nesquik 400 g)

prices Coffees, teas and cocoa (2) >>

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Canned dishes

  1. Pate Kekec 30 g: $0.37 (€0.33) (Pašteta Kekec 30 g)
  2. Chicken Pate Argeta Junior 27 g: $0.6 (€0.54) (Kokošja Pašteta Argeta Junior 27 g)
  3. Chicken Pâté Argeta Junior 45 g: $0.82 (€0.74) (Kokošja Pašteta Argeta Junior 45 g)
  4. Chicken Pate Argeta 95 g: $1.3 (€1.2) (Kokošja Pašteta Argeta 95 g)

prices Canned dishes (19) >>

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Mayonnaise, tartar, horseraders and trainers

  1. Mayonnaise Shower Tuba, 165g: $1.3 (€1.2) (Majoneza Tuš tuba, 165g)
  2. Tartar Sauce Shower 165g: $1.5 (€1.4) (Tatarska Omaka Tuš 165 g)
  3. Tartar Sauce Thomy 180 g: $2.7 (€2.4) (Tatarska Omaka Thomy 180 g)

prices Mayonnaise, tartar, horseraders and trainers (3) >>

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Dried fruit and vegetables

  1. Student Food Shower 200g: $3.3 (€3) (Študentska Hrana Tuš 200g)
  2. Student Food Ültje 200g: $3 (€2.7) (Študentska Hrana Ültje 200g)

prices Dried fruit and vegetables (2) >>

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What are the different prices in the cities in Slovenia? Look here: Prices in cities in Slovenia

Prices: Celje   Koper   Ljubljana   Maribor   Novo Mesto   Kranj   Ptuj   Trbovlje   Velenje   Grosuplje  

Prices and availability of products in shops and supermarkets in Slovenia: Ljubljana  

McDonald's prices in Slovenia: Ljubljana  

Pizza prices in Slovenia: Ljubljana  

Do you want to learn more about different prices? See the following comparison:


$265 ($167 - $473)
29% more than in United States

Burger King or a similar bar

$8.9 ($7.8 - $9.5)
17% is less expensive than in United States

average earnings

64% is less expensive than in United States


$3.3 ($2 - $4.5)
33% is less expensive than in United States

Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Mirinda

$2.8 ($2.2 - $3.3)
11% more than in United States

renting a small apartment in the center

$763 ($501 - $1.11K)
by half less than in United States