Prices in Haiti

What are the supermarket prices in Haiti? Is the cost of living in Haiti higher than in United States? How much will it cost us to entertain in Haiti and how much will we spend in restaurants and bars?
On this page below you will find the current price and cost overview in Haiti: food prices, Prices in restaurants, cost of living, and entertainment costs (The last update: today 18 hours ago)

Currency in Haiti Haitian gourde (HTG). For 10 US dollars you can get 1.33 thousand Haitian gourdes. For 100 US dollars you can get 13.3 thousand Haitian gourdes. And the other way around: For 100 Haitian gourdes you can get 0.754 US dollars.

What are the different prices in the cities in Haiti? Look here: Prices in cities in Haiti

Prices: Port-au-Prince   Carrefour   Jacmel   Pétion-Ville   Delmas   Acul-samedi   Anse-a-Galets   Jean-Rabel   Marmelade   Thomassique  

Total prices do not differ significantly in Haiti from what is in United States. Food is 29% cheaper. As far as restaurant prices are concerned, they will be similar to prices in United States In the case of the cost of living in Haiti, it is lower than the cost in United States by about 6.7%. When it comes to spending free time, entertainment, and sports, it's more expensive in 12%.

Are hotels expensive in Haiti? How much will we pay for a room in Haiti?

The average price of accommodation in Haiti is $83. If you are looking for the cheapest accommodation: in a cheap one-star hotel you will pay: $55 and if you like hostels, you'll spend the night there for: $30. The cost of a room in a 2-star hotel is Haiti in $68. 3-star hotels offer accommodation for an average price of $74 Overnight stay in a 4-star hotel costs $88 in Haiti If you are looking for the best conditions for your stay, then in 5-star hotels that will provide much more luxury you will have to pay $108

When you're thinking about traveling and it doesn't necessarily have to be a specific country, maybe the costs will be lower than in Haiti in one of the nearby countries? Check prices in: Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos Islands, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Cuba.


Current prices overview: food prices Haiti


Current prices overview: Prices in restaurants Haiti

Cost Of Living

Current prices overview: cost of living Haiti


Current prices overview: entertainment costs Haiti

Comparison of selected prices in Haiti with prices in United States:


$76 ($51 - $100)
63% is less expensive than in United States


$144 ($78 - $300)
twice as much as in United States


by half more than in United States

average earnings

67% is less expensive than in United States

renting a small apartment in the center

by half less than in United States

renting a large apartment outside the center

61% is less expensive than in United States


$1.7 ($1.3 - $2.5)
by half less than in United States


$9 ($6 - $11)
30% is less expensive than in United States


$3.5 ($3 - $3.9)
24% is less expensive than in United States


$2.3 ($1 - $4)
by half less than in United States


$1.9 ($1.2 - $2.5)
10% more than in United States


$7.5 ($7 - $8)
by half less than in United States

cheap restaurant

$12.5 ($8.6 - $15)
38% is less expensive than in United States

local beer

17% is less expensive than in United States


$1.6 ($1.3 - $2)
68% is less expensive than in United States

bottle of water

27% is less expensive than in United States

Burger King or a similar bar

$11.4 ($7.8 - $15)
5.9% more than in United States

Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Mirinda

$1.6 ($1.1 - $2)
37% is less expensive than in United States

Prices in cities and towns in Haiti

Choose a city, see prices in supermarkets, restaurants, compare the cost of living, see how much entertainment costs and whether it is more expensive than in United States